7. J10 Ten Reasons

“I don’t get respect” quote by Rodney Dangerfield.

Efrata Denny publishes so much great content. In fact this is volume 2 and issue 58. I could repost his content every day for a while.

Here is how I would break the cycle using Efrata’s numbering sequence. Don’t worry I did skip a few steps.

#2 Focus on other priorities: you need to be able to sell what you do versus simply thinking that of course they recognize your importance.
#3 Trusting existing processes: if you aren’t willing to take a look at what you do and make a change then why should they. Everything can be made better. It isn’t a weakness to admit you need help.
#4 Limited resources: do what I do and give new Canadians and young people a chance.
#7 Overlooking innovation: I heard last week that an organization did not need to meet with me to learn about QCsolver Inc. and if they needed what we do they would go out for bids. Yet how do you go out for bids if you don’t know what we do?
#9 Short term focus: I plan for what might happen in 3 years while some can only plan for the next 3 days

Nothing is impossible isn’t true. I often see other people do nothing and it doesn’t look all that hard. 🙂


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