Yesterday I posted a new word and today I thought I would introduce another new word that you can use in your own vocabulary. Sketchplanations is a fantastic organization and they create some of the best explanations for words and concepts.

I had no idea that I suffered from Tsundoku. I have read and acquired a lot of books over the years but I do have to confess that there are some on the shelf that are in my “going to ready some day” grouping.

While I am fessing up. Maybe I can be a bit too optimistic. But unlike the image on the second page I don’t believe that I suffer from Optimism bias.

When it comes to information, I tend to collect a lot of it. What is great about the 3rd image is that it encapsulates my own process. Gathering a lot of data leads to having a lot of information that can be used. Which leads to knowledge and if I am lucky the end result would be wisdom.

Notice in the 3rd image that at the end all of these steps are part of a chain. Not unlike a supply chain where data and information are turned into better processes and which leads to success.

Which leads me to the last image. My goal with my posts is to get better at figuring out what people like so see and read. The 4th image is me. I understand the difference between accuracy and precision. But I might not always hit the target. I can’t read minds and there is only so much analytics can do.

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