9. S25 Duck

I find the English language to be truly amazing and there are expressions we use that we take for granted until we have a chance to talk to someone not from here (Canada). I end up explaining the concept or idea and watch them add it to the lexicon of words.

I put this funny and maybe even thought provoking document together outlining what I discovered. A special thanks to everyone who created these visuals. Didn’t realize when I started how many ducks I would have.

I am sure that I have missed a few and if I have then I am sure that one of my readers will enlightened me.

Hopefully you will continue to like what I post and with any luck we might be able to work together. After all my goal for 2024 & 2025 is to grow my brand and our QCsolver Inc. business as much as I can. How else am I going to be in a position to help others.

Please remember that National Rubber Ducky Day is celebrated on January 13th every year.


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