Have you noticed that there are a number of jobs that are hard to fill? If you are in construction then you know that skilled employees are hard to find. Don’t believe me then read the attached document.
There is a huge demand for people and the supply portion of the equation needs to increase. The concept of Jill of all Trades is an excellent starting point.
There are also other examples of what can be done but I will focus on one person and how she is making a difference. Chantalle Hepburn‘s primary job is that she is the Business Development Manager for Tremco Roofing and Building Maintenance.
She is also the founding member of the Women in Canadian Healthcare Engineering Society (CHES) Society. The other group that she helps with is the National Women In Roofing. Both groups offer support, training and networking opportunities.
What is QCsolver Inc. doing to help? If you need to be registered in our system and you are a small supplier, then we will waive our administration fee. We also waive our fee for indigenous and not-for-profit organizations. Just our way of also trying to make a positive difference.

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