5. M3 Resume

I have been asked a lot lately about courses that someone in supply chain should take in order to be in a better position for the next job.

It has dawned on me that there are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to writing a resume. First of all, you should focus on the last part of the word. A resume is all about “me” or in this case you. It isn’t about how many pages it should be. If you have limited experience then one page will work. If you have 10 or more years of experience then more pages are needed.

Don’t worry that if there are too many pages for someone to read. The right hiring manager will be looking for content and examples that are relevant. If the company that is hiring won’t spend the time reading your resume, then maybe they aren’t the right company for you.

I have also heard people talk about adjusting the resume to fit the job. My advice is to have a resume that captures who you are and what you can do for the company. Use your cover letter to bring out how your skills and experience will benefit them.

Next comes the chase for what I call the alphabet jungle. You know what this is. Where you need one more designation and the next job will be so much easier to get. Designations are fantastic when you are new to your career. After a while companies focus more on experience and outcomes.

Everyone has an opinion regarding that a resume should look like. Please don’t ask me for mine. I would suggest that creating the perfect resume is way too challenging. Instead spend the time, effort and maybe money and use these resources to respond to more postings and network as much as you can so you can discover jobs that haven’t been publish. This is a great way to improve your odds of having the winning resume.



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