3. M31 Manitoulin
This recent post from Manitoulin Transport caught my attention and I thought I would share the […]
3. M30 Gartner
Gartner: one of the greatest places to learn more about trends in supply chain. What I […]
3.m29 Pmi
Inflation goes in cycles and if you have been in supply chain for a while then […]
3. M24 Policy Advisory Groups
Today Supply Chain Canada has launched a new and important initiative. Here is what Christian Buhagiar posted today. […]
3. M23 Apology Act
Never have to say you are sorry! Did you know that in 2009 an act was […]
3. M22 Money Going Down The Drain
Everyone is being hit with increases everywhere and especially natural gas. I thought the image conveyed […]
3. M21 Career Path
One question I get a lot is which designation is needed to succeed in the supply […]
3. M18 Contractor Concerns
What concerns contractors and why should you care? The Ontario Construction Secretariat just released their 2022 […]
3. M16 Road Map
I enjoy a great visual and especially one that provides me a road map or a […]
3. M9 Procrastination
Help me celebrate an exceptional day. This is the day when you realize that you can […]
3. M8 Fingertip
I have come to the realization that I am very dependent on having easily accessible data. […]
3. M7 National Procurement Month
I am going to try and still add value to the profession as much as I […]
3. M4 Implementation Of Category Management
I have been thinking that based on what I see on various posts and articles, that […]
3. M3 Strategic Roles
Why all of a sudden am I mentioning category management? For a while now my focus […]
You might have noticed that I have been mentioning QCsolver a lot lately in celebration of […]