3. M7 National Procurement Month

I am going to try and still add value to the profession as much as I can. For me, knowledge is the one commodity that needs to be shared more. This is one of the things that I try and do every day. The challenge is that there are a lot of supply chain professionals that need to share just a bit more.

I miss the “old” days when I was able to meet my colleagues and get ideas on how to improve and learn from their mistakes. I miss the challenge of having to try and solve a problem without throwing money at it.

I am going to fix one problem by attending a number of live conferences this year. I am going to travel across the provinces and ask people about their pain points and gaps in their supply chain operations. I am going to help find economical and efficient solutions that will meet their needs. I will get a better understanding of my customer and what they need in order to be successful.

Mostly I am going to do what I normally do but at least share a bit more regarding what I have found and what I know.

March is for collaboration and if you are willing then let me know how I can help.

QCsolver Inc. & Kinetic GPO at your service.



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