F10 Error

Are you an individual that only connects with people you know? You might even be the type of person who goes to a conference and sits with people you work with. If this is you, then please do read a bit more.

I have a lot of connections and these individuals make my research and work much more efficient. I get to see things from a different perspective on a daily basis. I end up looking at a problem and seeing a lot of solutions because of who I know and what they know.

I do have some rules when accepting requests. If you are in supply chain then I would love to connect. If you are in HR and involved in hiring supply chain professionals then of course I would like to help you help them. If you are in IT, then I have to have worked with or met you.

Why these three different segments? These are the areas that have influenced who I am and what I do. These areas have kept me employed and learning for a lot of years.

I believe that sometimes you have to accept quantity in order to find quality. Everyone is different which is great. I just happen to have a different perspective when it comes to connections.



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