I attended a session at the NIGP conference on Vendor Performance Management. What I enjoyed was how the presenters used of an app called Sli.do. Great tool that allowed the audience to participate and answer questions.

There were about 130 people in the audience and up to 111 answered the questions. Which to me is a strong indicator that the interest and participation most definitely represents what is happening. You can see the results below.

Performance management is not done as much as it should. In fact “never” was an option used by up to 28% of the respondents.

The number one reason for not conducting reviews what of course not enough staff/bandwidth.

I might have mentioned in previous posts that QCsolver is more than willing to take on the workload for a modest cost. You take care of providing us with the “who” you want to measure and “what” you would like to find out and we will take care of the rest.

To learn more you can always contact toriw@qcsolver.ca


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