Yesterday I posted about skills and wills when it comes to determining if someone has what it takes to be successful. I thought it would be nice for you to learn about someone that has both.
On Friday, I got to spend over 2 hours with Jonathan Veitch. I was very fortunate that he agreed to allow me to do a plant tour of his facility in hashtag#Tillsonburg.
Jonathan is a graduate of Conestoga College and it was obvious during our tour that he is extremely proud of his people, facility and company. It was interesting to see the positive effect that Karmax Heavy Stamping and particularly Darren S. had on his career.
Martinrea International is one of the premier manufacturers of automotive parts. The plant was exceptional clean and well organized. I was able to see how they are constantly improving using a combination of hashtag#powerbi, communication and plain old common sense.
Jonathan helped me to reinforce my believe that the hashtag#Materials hashtag#Management program at Conestoga College has produced some exceptional talent over the years.
Which is why I mostly hire graduates from there.
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