9. S24 Data Analytics
I would have to spend countless hours putting together documents to share that capture what I […]
9. S13 Data Analytics
This says it all when it comes to data analytics.
I have 5 images that I thought I would share. # 1 This one is funny […]
5. M21 Visuals
QCsolver Inc. is spending a lot of time, energy and resources creating reports for our customers […]
5. M11 Product Segmentations
No this is not a mistake. I wanted to make sure that you were aware of […]
8. A22 Chihuahua
This expression refers to messy data from variations in spelling or input—Chihuahua is easy to misspell. […]
5. M18 Big Query
I am doing my best to show and convince others that spending time learning how to […]
4. A7 Friday Funny
Everyone focuses on data but struggles to figure out how to visualize what it is saying, […]
3. M15 Data Enthusiasts
Oh, I just love this visual! This is the perfect example of making the narrative fit […]
1. J13 Data Dinosaurs
This visual is courtesy of Frederic Gomer (https://www.linkedin.com/in/fredericgomer/. It is incredible how often I find out […]